Study In Serbia

Serbia is located in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe. Belgrade (Beograd) is the capital of the country with 1.6 million inhabitants and the administrative, economic and cultural heart of Serbia. The Serbian higher education system has two types of studies:

  • Academic and Organized Studies in Universities
  • Work-oriented applied studies organized either in technical colleges or universities.

The main language of instruction is Serbian for all educational levels. There are also English-taught study programmes. In many universities and colleges, there are additional benefits for foreign exchange students, such as organizing consultations with professors in English, etc.

Living in Serbia
  • Monthly living costs range from 330 to 550 EUR/month.
  • Foreign students can eat in students’ restaurants for as much as 4 EUR.
  • In contrast to the rest of Europe, there is no single day of the week in Serbia when you cannot have a night out.
  • Serbian villages are ecological oases; free from the pollution of modern civilization.
Select Your University
  • University of Belgrade

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