Study In Latvia

Latvia is one of Europe’s hidden gems for higher education: with its safe and welcoming cities and spectacular coastline, it is ideal for students and visitors alike. Latvia sits on the Baltic Sea and is a kind of crossroads between East and West. Many languages are spoken in this cosmopolitan country – Latvian, Russian, and German and of course English. Latvia is a friendly and welcoming country. It provides a quiet environment for studying and working, where you can choose the level of restlessness or calm you need.

Study in Latvia is a national public body responsible for promoting higher education in Latvia to international students and is managed by the Latvian State Agency for Educational Development in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Sciences. Despite being a small country, Latvian universities have readily adapted to the demands of international students. Over 200 study programs in English are available – many of them even at the bachelor’s level.

Select Your University
  • Riga Stradins University

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