Study In Romania

Romania is one of the hidden gems of Eastern Europe. Not only is Romania famous for its beautiful landscapes and seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites. From Ana Aslan, creator of some of the best anti-aging products, and Petrache Poenaru, inventor of the fountain pen, to some of the world’s greatest engineers, such as the father of cybernetics, Stefan Odobleja and the golden trio Henri Coanda, Traian Vuia and Aurel Vlaicu, Romania, laid the foundations for the 21st century.

In Romania, tuition fees are very affordable, especially compared to other western countries or even some European countries. If your GPA average or entrance exam score is high enough, you can take up a federally funded place. Romania has hundreds of exchange programs. Many people choose it as a temporary home for the amazing nightlife and the great views they can get here. In your education, the Romanian education system revolves around group projects and laboratory work, as well as written projects and in-depth research. Of course, it all depends on your degree and subject. Usually, however, you don’t just settle for a rotting book in the library, you have to see and work firsthand what your future job will mean and require.

Living in Romania
  • Living costs and accommodation can be really cheap for international students. With a budget between 300 and 600 EUR/month
  • Food and groceries: 125–185 EUR/month
  • Public transport pass: 5 EUR/month, discounted for students
  • Three-course meal for two at a mid-range restaurant: 25 EUR
Select Your University
  • Ovidius University Constanta
  • Grigore T Popa University of Medicine Lasi
  • Cluj University of Medicine & Pharmacy

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