Study In Philippines

The Philippines is a tropical paradise and a popular study destination, especially for internationals from Asia. It also attracts students from other continents looking for affordable university education in an exotic location. Because English is widely spoken and the government has decided to invest in study programs that are beneficial and attractive to international students, you can also apply for a degree in the Philippines. In case it isn’t already obvious, studying in the Philippines will make you feel like you are on vacation. Classes and exams always require your attention and effort, but you can have fun in your spare time. You won’t be the only international student there, as young people from other Asian countries and Russia or Brazil are also enrolling in Philippine universities.

Living in Philippines
  • Utilities: 140–170 EUR per month
  • Monthly transportation pass (metro, bus, train): 8–10 EUR
  • Three-course meal for 2 people at a mid-range restaurant: 16 EUR
  • Milk: 1.49 EUR
  • Loaf of bread: 1.02 EUR
  • Cappuccino: 1.99 EUR
Select Your University
  • UV Gullas College of Medicine

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